Student Code of Conduct (#84)



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For our younger children, parents are asked to please read this Code of Conduct aloud with your infant to ensure they understand.

Why Living School has a Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct helps Living School create a supportive and positive environment for our community.

The School and students have justifiable expectations of each other, including:

  1. Students have a right to expect that the School will provide a secure, nurturing environment to learn in; the School has a responsibility to provide this.
  2. The School expects students to behave in a way that contributes to a safe and friendly environment; it cannot condone or tolerate behavior that undermines this principle.
General Principles - Living School

General Underlying Principles

Rights and Responsibilities

All learners have rights, and with these rights come responsibilities. To function collectively, we must accept and strive to excel in our relationships. Our behavior, values, and acceptance of responsibilities nurture our supportive, caring, and safe culture.

Rights Responsibilities
To be treated with dignity and respect. To treat staff, students, and visitors with consideration and respect. To respect others' right to work free of distractions. To move appropriately around the school. To display behaviors that bring credit to oneself and the school.
To feel secure in an environment free from negative actions and harmful substances or objects. Not to bring harmful substances or dangerous items to school. Not to hurt or cause harm to others. To share a strong desire to give one’s best.
To study, work, and engage in activities in well-kept, sustainable surroundings. To have belongings treated with care. To strive for excellence by giving personal best efforts. Not to take food away from eating areas. To stay within school boundaries. To recycle waste appropriately. Not to bring plastic bottles onto campus unless for recycling. To respect property and belongings. To care for school resources.
To be communicated with clearly, politely, and respectfully. To communicate with others clearly, politely, and respectfully. To welcome guests with manners. To respect different viewpoints.

Our Collective Code of Conduct will be most effective in nurturing a caring environment. Where behaviour is not in accordance with our Code, it should be called out and dealt with promptly and
appropriately. With everyone’s co-operation in striving for high standards, it will become a code
which will not need enforcing, but by which the whole community can happily live and work

To this end, our community’s culture is developed over time. Our emphasis is on empowering
the positive attitudes that nurture a collective mindset.
The code identifies the following areas:

Students are expected to respect the rights, needs and feelings of others. In return, they can
expect such consideration to be shown to them. Everyone must act in a way which promotes the
dignity, health and safety of others.

In particular, no-one should initiate or be expected to tolerate:

● Bullying, intimidation, teasing or ostracising (verbal or physical);
● the use of language which is offensive;
● offensive use of electronic communication.

Public displays of intimate behaviour between students may cause offense to others and are
therefore not appropriate.


It is everyone’s right to have a safe, clean and comfortable place in which to work. Looking after
the environment is the responsibility of us all.

● Interfering with School facilities causes inconvenience and discomfort to others.
● Dropped rubbish causes our environment to be untidy and unhealthy. Rubbish bins are
provided and should be used.
● Matches and lighters must not be brought on to the School campus. Smoking (this includes
vaping), is forbidden at all times on the School campus, on the way to school, on school
expeditions and when representing the School.
● Food and drink should only be consumed in designated areas and at appropriate times.
● Students should be responsible for helping to keep the campus clean and tidy. This will assist
and support staff in their work.


Courtesy is an important part of our daily lives. It costs nothing but shows our respect for each
other and makes life more pleasant for everyone.
Courtesy involves, for example: speaking politely, listening carefully, doing as requested, making
visitors welcome, not interrupting conversations, not pushing. These are not rules, but simply
positive ways of behaving towards each other.



Examples of courtesy would be:
● Addressing each other by name whenever possible;
● Using polite language such as ‘Excuse me’, ‘Please’, and ‘Thank-you’;
● Apologising if you accidentally hurt or inconvenience someone;
● Having the correct equipment and appropriate materials for each lesson;
● Entering a room quietly;
● Apologising and giving a reason if you are late;
● Showing respect for other people’s views and opinions and not ridiculing their mistakes;
● Packing away your lesson materials only when asked to do so;
● Doing as requested by a member of staff;
● Shaking hands and looking at the person;
● Not using offensive or obscene language.

For safety reasons everyone must take care when moving around our campus. Some times our
pathways and staircases get crowded.

Students should:
● Take particular care in the vicinity of younger students.
● On staircases, give way to visitors and other adults, and help anyone whose hands are full.


Everyone should take responsibility for looking after their own property. It is recommended that
items of significant monetary or personal value are not brought into school.

● Students must not interfere with other students’ property in any way. This will be viewed very
● Items such as personal audio systems and mobile phones must not be used during school
hours unless approved by the teacher on duty as part of the learning experience.
● Clothing and personal items should be clearly marked with the student’s name.
● If there is any damage to or theft of property, it should be reported promptly to the Office.


Absence of even one day will cause students to miss lessons and lose out on essential teaching.
Students must avoid being absent unless they are unwell or have some other legitimate reason to
miss school.

● Students must register daily with the Office.
● Students are expected to be punctual.
● A student who is absent for any reason must either bring a note explaining the absence to the
teacher on the first day back, or his/her parents should communicate with the School Office
with an explanation.

● Teachers should be informed by parents in advance of any appointments (e.g. medical/dental)
during school time. Whenever possible, appointments should be made out of school time.
● Students arriving late should register with the Office, who will record late arrival.
● If parents are seeking to take a child from the school during the day, the parent must see the
Office for an exeat and present the exeat to the teacher caring for the child.


The School takes very seriously the responsibility it has for students whilst in session. We need to
know who is on the campus at all times.

● Students may only leave the campus during the day with the permission of a teacher.
● Any student leaving the campus, must sign out with the Office prior to departure, and sign in
when they have returned.


The School recognises the need for tidy, safe and comfortable attire on our campus.

● Students are responsible for their personal appearance and are expected to take pride in it.
● Students may wear casual clothes appropriately – however, we do not condone logos or
statements that are offensive.
● Students are responsible for how they dress; however, students must wear clothing that is
reasonable and adheres to our school’s good standing.
● Footwear and clothing must ensure safety is a priority.



Each member of the School represents the whole community and must strive to maintain the high
reputation that Living School enjoys.
Good behaviour and appropriate attire and language are expected at all times when representing the School at events, taking part in expeditions, trips or travelling to and from School.


Students who have read the Code of Conduct, please sign below to accept what is stated above as a requirement of enrolment.  

Parents are asked to sign for children who have not been able to read this document.

Sign Here