Higher Level / Standard Level Subjects
Of the six subjects studied, a minimum of three (3) must be studied at Higher Level and the remainder at Standard Level. A maximum of four (4) can be taken at Higher Level.
The difference in Higher / Standard Level is the number of teaching hours:
- Higher Level – 240 hours per course
- Standard Level – 150 hours per course
Different Subject courses differentiate between the HL / SL in different ways to achieve this.
Examples include:
- Core standard course in both with additional topics in HL.
- The same topics in each but covered to a different depth.
- Differing assessment requirements.
Subject Grading
• Achievement in each subject is rated from 1 to 7.
• HL / SL subjects are treated the same in the contribution to the total diploma score.
i.e. A 6 rating in an SL subject is not worth less than a 6 rating in the equivalent HL subject.
A maximum score of 45 can be achieved in a diploma.
6 subjects x 7 score = 42 points
TOK + Extended Essay (See Diploma Points Matrix) = 3 points
TOTAL = 45 points
Achieving the Diploma
- A diploma will be awarded to a candidate subject to the conditions below.
- CAS requirements have been satisfied.
- Candidate’s total points are at least 24.
- An N has not been given for Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay or for a contributing subject.
- No grade of E has been awarded for one or both of Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay.
- No grade of 1 awarded in any subject / level.
- Grade of 2 has been awarded less than three (3) times (HL or SL).
- Grade of 3 or below has been awarded less than four (4) times (HL or SL).
- Candidate has gained at least 12 points on HL subjects (for candidates who register for four (4) HL subjects, the three (3) highest grades count).
- Candidate has gained at least 9 points on SL subjects (candidates who register for two (2) SL subjects must gain at least 5 points at SL).
Theory of Knowledge Extended Essay Matrix
A grade of E in EITHER Extended Essay OR Theory of Knowledge is a failing condition and therefore the student will not be awarded the IB Diploma.
The award of the three (3) possible bonus points is determined by the intersection of EE grades and TOK grades on a matrix. For example, the attainment of “A” grades in both EE and TOK, would result in the award of the full extra three points. See the Core Requirement Matrix below.

How are IB Diploma students considered for entry to tertiary courses in Australia?
Results from the IB Diploma, are converted into an ATAR-equivalent value to allow IB students to be considered for tertiary places alongside their counterparts who have completed state curricula. This value is known as the IBAS (International Baccalaureate Admission Score). Scaled total marks from all subjects will be used to differentiate between IB students on the same IB score. This means that IB students can apply in any Australian state or territory with confidence about how their results compare to their peers who have completed state curricula and received an ATAR. For more information regarding IBAS calculations please refer to:

It is therefore imperative that students closely follow the timelines and guidelines in the Extended Essay handbook published by the Extended Essay coordinator and respond promptly to advice from supervisors.
Examination Results
Examination results are available in early January following the November IB Examination Session. If requested by the student, results are made available to universities either in electronic format or as a transcript of grades, as appropriate. The results indicate the grade a candidate has been awarded for each subject, including the additional Diploma requirements of Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay. The results also indicate the completion of Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) and total number of points for the Diploma, if a Diploma has been awarded. If a Diploma is not awarded, a student will not be awarded a UAC Selection Rank based on their IB score. Other pathways may be explored on an individual case basis with support from the Guidance Officer. Alternatively, IB offers a retake opportunity:
1. Retake
A student can retake an IB exam or an Internal Assessment for most assessment pieces.
In most cases the student would only need to retake the part in which they were not successful. This occurs in the following year’s May IB Examination Session.
Registration for a retake must be lodged by a school with IB by 15 January of that year.
A student would have to request this in writing to be received by the Director at Living Academy by 13 January that year.
The following condition must be satisfied:
- Retake exams are at a cost to the student of approximately $SGD178 per subject.
- The student would be required to prepare for this retake independently and would not be re-enrolled as a student at Living Academy, e.g. participating in classes.
- Living Academy would make textbooks available through special loan provisions.
- The student would sit the exam at Living Academy on the date and time indicated in the IB Examination Calendar.
2. Enquiry Upon Results (only Applies to External Assessment)
If a student has concerns about their result for a particular subject, it may be possible to request a re-mark by IB.
However, a candidate’s grade may be lowered or raised as a result of a Category 1 Enquiry Upon Result (EUR).
The following condition must be satisfied:
- The candidate must pay costs associated with an Enquiry – approximately $SGD146 per candidate/ subject. Such a request must be made in writing to the Director of Living Academy by 15 March of the year the results were released to allow for discussion and planning regarding maximising the best option. If the result is improved, there is no charge.
- It is therefore imperative that students closely follow the timelines and guidelines in the Extended Essay handbook published by the Extended Essay coordinator and respond promptly to advice from supervisors.
Requests for ‘Enquiry upon Results’ service will only be accepted by the IB from schools, not from individual candidates. In this case, the externally assessed components of a candidate’s work are normally re-marked by a senior examiner.
Assessment: Assessment is both internal and external, including examinations, coursework, and individual research projects. Students are evaluated on their knowledge, critical thinking, and application of skills.
Holistic Development: Beyond academics, the IBDP focuses on nurturing students’ personal and social development. There is a specific focus on Learning Profiles. CAS activities, in particular, encourage students to be well-rounded individuals with a commitment to community service.